I recently had the opportunity to go to Williamson College of the Trades in Media, PA and teach a class on Stone masonry. I can't say enough good things about the program that they have in place, preparing young men with the skills in theory and practical applications covering a wide variety of trades relevant into today's labor market.
The Brick masonry program at the trade school is run by Pete Zwolak who recognized the need to expand on their current program to include stone masonry into the curriculum. Instructor Pete, a bricklayer by trade, reached out to the Local Stone mason union for their help in putting together a basic stone masonry plan for Williamson's senior class.
When Justin Scarcini, Business Agent/Field Representative of Local 1 Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Philadelphia, PA heard of Pete's plans to incorporate stone masonry into their world class masonry program at Williamson Trade school, he was more than happy to help out. Justin reached out to me and asked if I'd be interested in spending the day with him teaching a basic class on Stone masonry at the Williamson School.
I jumped at the chance to help out anyway I could. Being retired from Local 1 Philadelphia for quite a few years I was thrilled that Justin thought of me to help him teach the stone class to Williamson's senior class. I'm hoping to expand even further in the future and return to teach a class on the basics of stone carving seen here.
The day began with the students ready to enter their classroom just off the shop floor.
We began the theory class with a basic guide showing how to get started the right way
a worksheet for practicing the correct way to lay a Ashlar cut stone in the random pattern
Within an hour of theory class we were outside at the stone pile teaching the eager students how to cull through and make ready their stones for the wall.
showing the students how to dress a stone with hammer and chisel into an Ashlar cut, (meaning squared up edged stones).
shortly after a lesson on shaping stone the students picked out their stones and proceeded to chip away
the sounds of hammers filled the air
students stopping now and then to ask for pointers
progress being made
giving a few pointers to each student
After a few hours had passed it was now time to take the stones they prepared and have them start laying them into a wall with the theory they had learned a few hours earlier. They are now equipped with the basic knowledge of stone masonry that will only strengthen as they continue their studies.
At the end of the afternoon we took a class picture that I will cherish for having the opportunity to teach such a fine group of young men who were willing to take the first steps in learning a trade that has been so good to me, and hopefully leave them with a thirst for learning the stone masonry trade in conjuction with their brick studies.
I too am the product of learning the trade from stone masons of Local 1 Philadelphia, PA who showed me the correct methods of proper stone work, and being able to practice that trade for Masonry Contractor Dan LePore and Sons, a signatory contractor in the Philadelphia, PA area that I worked for many years before retiring.

Left to right, Justin Scarcini- Local 1 Stone Business Agent/Field Representative, to his right just behind him is Williamson Masonry class instructor- Pete Zwolak, gathered around are the hard working senior masonry students, and in the center is your humbled Stone mason instructor for the day, Greg Jehanian.
Thank you for the opportunity to pass on my knowledge, looking forward to the next time!