Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Build it and they will come

This past Spring we finally started construction on our backyard pond. It was completed by Memorial Day weekend and has really grown in nicely. All who visit the pond, including the creatures that now reside in the water and around its edges seem to really enjoy time spent here.

Soon after it was filled with water, massive numbers of dragon flies in at least seven different species began to appear flying over the pond each day.  This large one landed on my niece's hand several times before I snapped this photo.

Zoe showing no fear...
....as it lands on her again.

Olivia and Zoe hunting for frogs.
Olivia showing her prized green frog.

Luke captivated by the water trickling from the hand pump.

Mr. Green Jeans back on his rock.

We caught a dozen Sunnies at the township pond and dumped them into ours.

Within weeks that fish were spawning and had laid hundreds of eggs which quickly turned into fry.

Tadpoles were abundant throughout the summer, this was the second group laid by toads.

Here's a tadpole turned toad that just made its way onto land.

As the first summer comes to a close we're all looking forward to see what new surprises lay ahead.

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